After my great garden of 2011 was ravaged by birds, squirrels or other critters I chose only to plant a few containers on my porch in 2012. So this year I have a plan. I will build a net over my raised beds and containers. I am also planning on changing the irrigation system. All this with the help of my husband.
These raised beds need some work and soon. I have been saving egg shells and coffee grounds to mix into the dirt. I will need to bring in some additional dirt and mix it all up.
I have started in indoor mini re-grow garden in recycled glass. Many of you vegetable "scraps" can be regrown. I have green onions, lemon grass, avocado, garlic, celery, and a carrot. I will be moving the celery and garlic to dirt once they grow a little more. I am also going to try regrowing a few sprouted potatoes.