Saturday, February 23, 2013

Working the green thumb.

Today I went outside to take advantage of the beautiful weather.  I took my little kitchen recycled garden and transplanted a few of the plants.   Last week my husband and son put netting around my raised bed garden because something ate all the leaves off of my broccoli and peas.  This did not make me very happy.
This is the transplanted re-grown garlic. Doing well.

This is my transplanted kale, celery, lemon grass, and carrot in
a container that had chives from last year.

My tomato plant under the net.

This is where I started my seed for squash, zucchini, green beans,
sweet peas, snow peas. herbs, bell peppers, and tomatoes.

This is a potato growing bag.  I planted a russet and
red potatoes.

Monday, February 04, 2013

2013 Giving it another try

After my great garden of 2011 was ravaged by birds, squirrels or other critters I chose only to plant a few containers on my porch in 2012.   So this year I have a plan.  I will build a net over my raised beds and containers.  I am also planning on changing the irrigation system.  All this with the help of my husband.

These raised beds need some work and soon.  I have been saving egg shells and coffee grounds to mix into the dirt.  I will need to bring in some additional dirt and mix it all up.

I have started in indoor mini re-grow garden in recycled glass.  Many of you vegetable "scraps" can be regrown.  I have green onions, lemon grass, avocado, garlic, celery, and a carrot.   I will be moving the celery and garlic to dirt once they grow a little more.  I am also going to try regrowing a few sprouted potatoes.
