Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fall Tomatoes

I mail ordered my fall tomatoes from Garden Harvest Supply. Unfortunately, due to all the rain and now all the scorching heat, I have yet to plant them. I hope it is not too late.

I ordered 3 varieties : Mountain Fresh Plus, Viva Italia, and Better Boy but they substituted Big Beef for that. I also ordered Veggie Tomato Supports. It is actually not a cage but a spiral that is designed to extend to 7 ft. tall. You do not need to tie the plants, because it supports the plant without squishing, bunching or injuring either the branches or the fruit. It is made of garden-green uv protected plastic that never rusts and can be reused season after season. You do need to provide the center stakes. I need to get stakes for my peas, beans, and tomatoes.

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