Thursday, September 04, 2008

I have squash and bugs!!! Oh my!!!

Looks like my squash is growing well. This is exciting to see the "fruits" of my labor!
But there seems to be a problem. Bugs a million. Aphids and some weird larger orange bug with long black legs.My pictures are not too clear but I researched the mystery guests. They are some species of assassin bug which are beneficial predators. I also found a tiny ladybug which is also beneficial.

If you are not lucky enough to have nature, in the form of beneficial bugs, rid your plants of aphids:
* You can use blasts of water to knock them off of the plant.
* You can pick off the infested stems. You can also mix 2 teaspoons of dish washing soap in a spray bottle of water and spray the area.
* You can mix 3 parts water, one part vegetable oil, and a few drops of dish washing soap into a spray bottle and spray the area.
* You can use a purchased Pyrethrum or Rotenone, both insecticides derived from natural sources and safe on edible plants.

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